Yes, for sure! We also offer unlimited page view, SSD storage, database storage, and server bandwidth, in the event the users of the site spike beyond even the 200k. This is in conjunction with Google's Cloud CDN global network, which will help deliver consistently great web, image, and video experiences to users anywhere globally using the network of edge caches, including mobile users. Website Pro makes use of Google Cloud Platform’s next-generation compute-optimized (C2) machines. In addition, these machines offer the highest performance per core that the Google Cloud Platform can offer, they are also optimized for compute-intensive workloads.
For example: During nighttime (in North America), there is a smaller amount of traffic compared to the one during the daytime. During the nighttime, the platform sits at a smaller level of resource consumption; using a smaller number of resources allows the Website to not consume resources it does not actually utilize. During the daytime, when traffic increases, the platform scales accordingly.