The Snapshot Report has always provided valuable data to businesses, allowing salespeople an intelligent jumping-off point for conversations with prospects. At times, prospects wanted more data and to see how they directly compared to their competitors. While the Snapshot Report provided insights into the industry averages, it didn't provide data directly related to their competition.
The ability to add competitor data to your Snapshot Reports allows for better insights for prospects, further helping salespeople sell.
How to add competitor stats to existing Snapshot Reports
Accessing the Snapshot Report
To start, open the Snapshot Report you wish to edit in Sales & Success Center or Partner Center.
Note: If you have not previously generated a Snapshot Report for the account, you will instead see the Generate Snapshot button , allowing you to generate a Snapshot Report instead.
Choose your competitor type
When accessing the Snapshot Report, you'll have the option to choose between the following competitor types:
- Competitors' websites - Adds competitor data to only the Website, Ecommerce, SEO, and Advertising sections.
- Competitors' existing Snapshot Reports - Adds competitor data to all sections by using existing Snapshot Reports from other accounts.
- Industry Average only - Shows your prospect how they compare to their industry average. This reporting is also included in the other two competitor types.
1) Using competitors' websites
This option uses the business's company name and website to pull data.
Enter up to three competitors, search results will appear as you do so. When you've found the competitor you wish to add, click on it to have the website field automatically populated.
Hit 'Save' after each competitor.
Please be aware that it may take a few moments for the Snapshot Report to update after entering new competitors.
Note: This will only add competitor data to the Website, Ecommerce, SEO, and Advertising sections. To apply this data to all sections, you'll need to follow the steps below.
2) Using competitors' existing Snapshot Reports
You can configure competitor data to appear in all sections by using Snapshot Reports you've already created.
If you haven't already done so, create accounts for these competitors either in Sales & Success Center or Partner Center. You'll also need to create a Snapshot Report for each of these. Please be aware that standard Snapshot fees apply.
From there, go back into your prospect's Snapshot Report and choose the 'Use competitors' Snapshot Reports' option under Competitors.
Click on the Competitor field and select the account you wish to use for comparisons.
How to add competitor stats to a new Snapshot Report
Note: This must be done before you create the prospect's account. If the account has already been created, you'll need to generate a Snapshot Report and follow the steps above.
1) To start, begin by creating a new account in either Partner Center or Sales & Success Center.
Creating accounts in Partner Center
Creating accounts in the Sales & Success Center
2) In the Specific tab, when entering the name and location of your prospects' business, you'll see an automatically-generated list of competitors. This list is based on their location and business category as indicated on their Google Business Profile.
Select up to 3 local competitors, and hit continue next to the prospects' business information. Once the account is created, generate a Snapshot Report for that business and those competitors will be automatically added.
Note: This will only apply competitor data to the Website, Ecommerce, SEO, and Advertising sections. To populate that data in all sections, you'll need to use 'Compare with existing Snapshot Reports' detailed above.
What competitor data appears in the Snapshot Report?
When you add competitors, you'll see the following sections under Listings and Reviews.
For Advertising and SEO, the section will largely appear the same, though you'll see your competitors added: