Please note that Markets are only available on certain subscription tiers.
Using Markets allows you to segment your company and its clients (i.e. by brand, region, industry, etc). This helps keep numerous accounts organized.
Once Markets have been added to your platform:
- Each new account created must be assigned to a Market. A dropdown will appear in the Account Create form in Partner Center where you can choose a Market for each new account.
- A single market will represent your company as a whole, while any additional Markets requested can be used for any purpose.
- You will be able to create an Acquisition Widget per Market.
If you would like to activate Markets for your platform or want to add additional Markets, contact your Account representative or Support On Demand.
Each Market's branding can be customized, including logo, colors, product names, and more. Branding that was created before activating Markets will remain as the default option for every new market added.
To customize branding, open Partner Center > Administration > Partner branding:
Here, you can choose the drop-down in the top right-hand corner to customize by All Markets or individual markets:
Portal Logins
The URL for each product and login area per Market is consistent with your URL that was set during the setup process. Custom domains per market are currently unavailable. Branding on Login Portals themselves (before login) will be set to your white-label branding.
Business App users are assigned permissions to Accounts, rather than Markets. In turn, Accounts are assigned to Markets. When viewing an active product on an account, that Market's branding will be displayed. If a user has access to multiple accounts in different markets, the user will see the branding for the first Account in their list on login. Once they select an account, the branding specific to that account's market will be displayed.
A Salesperson will only see Market-specific branding once they have logged into their account. Any Snapshot Report they create will display their branding and any account created will automatically be created under the same Market.
Note: If you created a Salesperson before Markets were activated for your white label, you will have to assign them to a Market the next time you edit their details.
- See: User Types
The Beta Program can be enabled or disabled per Market. This setting can be selected in the Market Level Customize area within Partner Center and is independent of what is selected at the Partner level.