Partner Center admins are able to either approve or decline orders.
- From Partner Center > Commerce > Orders, click the Order ID.
- Review the order to ensure accuracy, particularly the following:
- Any warnings at the top of the page, such as orders that contain products already activated.
- Any Notes listed under the "Order Details" section.
- All Packages in the order, including all products associated with those packages.
- Click Approve in the top right or bottom of the screen.
- Click Approve & Continue.
After approving the order, the salesperson will receive an email confirmation.
Note that if you are fulfilling a product that includes a variable wholesale amount (Digital Ads: Campaign for example), you will see an additional card underneath Retail Summary for Wholesale Cost. Make sure to adjust this wholesale cost to the intended value before approving and activating your order.
- From Partner Center > Commerce > Orders, click the Order ID.
- Review the order to ensure accuracy, particularly the following:
- Any warnings at the top of the page, such as orders that contain products already activated.
- Any Notes listed under the "Order Details" section.
- All Packages in the order, including all products associated with those packages.
- Click Decline in the top right or bottom of the screen.
- Enter a message to inform the salesperson why you've rejected the order.
- Click Decline.
After approving an order, you'll need to fulfill it.
- From Partner Center > Commerce > Orders, click the Order ID.
- Fill in any required information not already populated by the salesperson. These fields are marked with an asterisk.
- Click the I understand... checkbox at the bottom of the screen.
- Click Activate Product.