When attempting to start an email campaign from Automations, you may encounter an error stating: "Failed to complete due to an error. The required contact information for campaigns is missing." This error occurs when there is no contact information specified in Partner Center for your business.
You must include your contact information within every promotional email campaign, including a physical mailing address or PO Box where you can receive mail.
To fix this error, you'll have to enter your contact information in Partner Center:
- Go to Partner Center > Administration > Customize
- Expand the Email Settings tab.
- In the Required Contact Information for Campaigns section, fill in the required fields.
- Click Apply Changes to save your settings.
If you have Markets enabled, make sure that each market has the required contact information. To access the email settings for each market, click on the Markets tab at the top of the Customize page, then click the Edit icon for a specific market. For each market, you can choose to use the Partner's Contact Information or Market's Contact Information. However, selecting None will disable campaigns from being sent in that market.
Even if it is a default market, this setting is necessary in order to get the campaigns completed successfully.