Why is bulk editing tasks important?
Bulk editing tasks allows you to easily update and remove tasks in one fell swoop. Users can update the task assignee, status, due date, and notes on tasks.
How to bulk edit tasks
Set up User Permissions
Task Manager users with special permissions can bulk edit and delete tasks. In order for a Task Manager user to complete bulk actions, they must be set up as a User > Manager. If the user does not have a manager role, they will not be able to complete bulk actions. To view whether or not a User has this set up for their user, please refer to the following screenshots:
- Navigate to Partner Center > Fulfillment > Users > Manage Users
- Click on the menu and Edit User
- Select Manager
This can also be completed via Administration in Partner Center for Admin Users:
Administration > My Team > Invite Team Member or Edit existing Admin:
Bulk edit tasks
- Go to Open Task Manager > Tasks.
- Check each task you wish to edit or delete. You can select all tasks on the page by clicking the checkbox in the table header.
- Click Edit or Delete at the top-right of the table.
- If you clicked Delete, your tasks will be deleted. This can be undone using the Undo button that will appear where the Delete option was.
- If you clicked Edit, choose what you would like to edit on the tasks by selecting the checkboxes next to those items.
Note: If you are editing task notes, you will be able to choose whether these appear above or below any existing notes.
- Click Edit # Task(s).