What Is WhatsApp for Inbox?
Businesses can connect their WhatsApp Business account to Inbox, unlocking international communication capabilities. With this feature, businesses can send WhatsApp messages to new leads and existing customers, all while managing customer interactions in one centralized location.
Why This Matters
For businesses outside the U.S. and Canada, WhatsApp is a preferred communication channel for customers. With this integration, businesses can respond to leads on their customers’ favorite platform, enhancing responsiveness and improving customer satisfaction.
WhatsApp messaging channel is available in Inbox in Business App, for any accounts with either Inbox Pro or AI-assisted Web Chat products active on their account, internationally.
Setting Up the WhatsApp Integration
Follow these steps to connect your WhatsApp Business account to Inbox:
Navigate to Inbox Settings:
In Business App, go to Administration > Inbox Settings.
Find the card labeled “WhatsApp Business Messages.”
Click “Sign in with Facebook.”
Log In to Facebook:
A modal will appear prompting you to sign in with your Facebook account.
Allow Social Reputation to connect by clicking “Continue as [Your Name].”
Connect Your Business Account:
Next, you’ll be asked to connect your account to ‘Digital Agency’. Click 'Get Started.”
Associate a WhatsApp Business Account:
Select an existing WhatsApp Business account or create a new one.
If you are creating a new one, fill out the necessary details.
IMPORTANT NOTE – Add the business’s main phone number to associate with WhatsApp for business. The user can use the assigned Inbox number, if in a country where SMS is supported and the account has been assigned a number (USA/Canada).
Verify Phone Number:
Temporarily enable call forwarding in Inbox Settings to receive the verification code from Meta by navigating to Inbox Settings > Your SMS/Phone Number > Settings > Temporarily select "Forward the call."
Next, in the WhatsApp setup screen, enter the Inbox number, and then choose phone call verification method. You should receive a phone call at your forwarded number, with a code, to prove ownership.
Once verified, you can return the call forwarding settings to the original configuration.
Complete the Setup:
Confirm the app’s ability to connect to WhatsApp on the final confirmation screen.
Wait for verification to complete.
Once successful, the Inbox settings will show a green ‘connected’ badge.
Sending Messages Through WhatsApp
Once connected, businesses can send WhatsApp messages to customers using approved message templates.
Key Notes:
Outbound messages are billed by Meta, not the Business App.
If the WhatsApp Business account is new and lacks approved templates, the system will automatically submit one for approval. Additional templates can be created and submitted via the Meta Business Help Center.
Enhancing Your Presence on WhatsApp
Verified businesses enjoy enhanced features, including:
Displaying their business name in WhatsApp chats.
Increasing the daily limit for business-initiated conversations (from 250 to 1,000).
To verify your business, visit the WhatsApp Manager.
Messaging Limits
Unverified Businesses: Limited to 250 business-initiated conversations per day.
Verified Businesses: Can initiate up to 1,000 conversations daily and access additional features.
High-quality messaging practices can lead to increased limits over time.
Billing Information
Access to WhatsApp through Inbox is included with Inbox Pro and AI-Assisted Web Chat and allows:
Unlimited incoming messages.
250 outbound messages per month, with the option to increase to 1,000 after verification.
When a business wants to expand beyond their included conversations per month, WhatsApp conversation pricing applies. Learn more and see the rate card.
For additional usage, WhatsApp conversation pricing applies and is managed directly within the Meta Business platform. A valid payment method must be added to the Meta Business account.
Related Documentation
With this feature, businesses can elevate their customer communication strategy, fostering stronger relationships and boosting efficiency.
For more details, visit the Meta Business Help Center.
Q: Can a client connect an existing WhatsApp business account to Inbox, and still use the mobile app?
A: Not currently, but in the future WhatsApp is looking to provide better support for this. The feature is called “WhatsApp Coexistence” and is currently in closed beta at WhatsApp.
If a business has a WhatsApp for business account on their phone already, they can register a new (second) account for using with Inbox. In the future, we hope to support ‘coexistence’ as well.
Q: Why can’t I write an outgoing message?
A: WhatsApp business only allows approved templated messages to be cold-sent to users, and there is a small charge for these messages. Once a customer messages the business, you can write custom replies within a 24-hours window. Outside of this window, you can only send approved templated messages.
Q: Why did my message fail to send?
A: Your template may not be approved. You can check the status of approved templates in https://business.facebook.com/latest/whatsapp_manager/message_templates
Q: What will WhatsApp messaging cost me?
A: The first 250 (1,000 once verified) conversations each month are free so businesses can start to build experiences their customers will love. When they’re ready to expand beyond 1,000 conversations per month, Meta's conversation pricing applies. Learn more and see the rate card.