What are Post Campaigns using AI?
Craft posts in bulk with AI to create entire social campaigns in minutes! Generate text and imagery for multiple posts and social channels from a single AI prompt, customize by account, and schedule in a three-stage progression.
- Provide a prompt and an image keyword. Select the social networks you would like to post to, the post quantity, length, and tone.
- Review AI-generated text and imagery, and customize by account if desired.
- Schedule posts or save them as drafts.
How Does Bulk Creating Social Posts Using AI Work?
Step 1 - From the Overview page in Social Marketing, click Create > Post Campaign.
Step 2 - Enter the details in the first step of the form to generate posts. Post quantity can be selected as up to five at one time.
Note - Under 'networks', only connected accounts will be shown.
a. Choose from text and images, or just text. Use only one word for the image keyword when text and images are selected.
b. When text is selected:
Step 3 - In step 2 of the form, you can edit, customize, and save the content and the media by selecting the pencil icon.
Step 4 - When selecting images and text, if the image keyword does not generate an image there is a placeholder and users can select media by clicking the pencil icon.
Step 5 - Instagram needs an image before you can make a selection and go to step 3 of the form.
Please note: Clicking back to step 2 of the form will take you back to step 1, which will restart the post-creation process.
Step 6 - Finally, on step 3 of the form, schedule your post, or save it as a draft to post later!
Please note: This feature is not currently available for TikTok.