Set up the Zapier integration
Step 1: Sign up for a free Zapier account.
Step 2: Access the Zapier Integration in Vendasta
- In Partner Center, navigate to Administration > Integrations. This will take you to the Browse tab of the integrations page.
- Click on the Zapier Integration Card. This will redirect you to the Zapier Marketing Page.
- On this page, you will find:
- A brief description of the Zapier integration
- Information on how the integration works
- Your Partner ID, which is required for connecting to Zapier
- On this page, you will find:
Step 3: Click on the Connect on Zapier button.
Step 4: Start creating your Zap.
- You will be taken to the homepage of Vendasta Integrations in Zapier.
- Click on the button labeled Connect Vendasta to 6000+ apps. This will take you to the New Zap Creation page.
Step 5: Set Up the Trigger
- Currently, Vendasta cannot trigger actions in third-party systems. Instead, it can perform actions based on triggers from other systems.
- Click the Change button under the App section to select your triggering application (e.g., Gmail).
- Choose the desired Trigger Event for the selected application.
Step 6: Add an Action Step for Vendasta
- After setting up the trigger, click the + button to add an Action step.
- In the pop-up window, search for Vendasta and select it.
From the Action Event dropdown, choose the required event. The following actions are available in Vendasta's Partner Center:
- Create or Update Account
- Create or Update Company
- Create or Update Contact
- Create or Update CRM Activity
- Run Automation
Step 7: Connect Your Vendasta Account
- In the Account field, click on Select and then Connect a New Account from the dropdown.
- This will allow Zapier to establish a connection with Vendasta
- On the resulting page, enter your Partner ID or Account ID (available on the Zapier Marketing Page).
- Click Continue to Vendasta and then click Allow to provide the necessary permissions.
Step 7: Map Your Fields
- After successfully connecting, you will be redirected to the Zapier Creation window.
- Map the fields from your selected trigger to the corresponding Vendasta action.
- Note: The Partner ID/Account ID you enter here is associated with the CRM instance that will be modified.
Your Zap is now set up! You can test it to ensure everything works correctly. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to