Sometimes the status of a due invoice needs to be manually changed. You can change the status to paid if you received payment outside the platform, for example, by cheque, or you can void the invoice if you don't need it anymore.
Regardless of your reason, when updating the invoice status, you can add a comment to note why you have taken the action. The note is saved on the invoice and can be viewed at any time. The note is internal and not customer-facing.
How to add an invoice status note
Go to the invoices page in Partner Center > Billing > Invoices.
On the invoice you wish to share, click the kebab and select the option 'Change invoice status.'
3. On the modal that pops up, you can mark the invoice as paid or voided. You can then enter a short note.
4. The invoice status is updated and you can view the notes when you open the invoice.