Question: Why are my Task Manager reviews disappearing when I filter by multiple star ratings?
Currently, the star rating review filters in our system are treated to be "AND" statements instead of "OR" to help narrow down review searches more easily. For example:
With multiple filters, it finds reviews by combining searches that meet all 3 of the selected criteria:
"1-star AND 2-star AND 3-star"
Instead of returning criteria that meets any of the 3 selected criteria:
"1-star OR 2-star OR 3-star".
This is why the reviews disappear when using multiple-star ratings, as the system is filtering by "1-star AND 2-star" instead of "1-star OR 2-star," and it would be impossible for a review to have a rating of both 1-star and 2-star. You must select one start rating at a time.
You can still use star rating, task status, and assignee filters together, as it is possible for a single review to meet all of these criteria, you just wouldn't be able to use multiple star ratings in the same set of filters.