Are your emails getting bounced after a website migration?
If yes, then an important aspect of the steps may have been missed during the migration.
Here's how to fix it:
Step 1: Navigate to Website Pro > WordPress dashboard.
Step 2: Click on Plugins on the left side panel > Click on 'Add new'
Step 3: Type and search for the All-in-One plugin > Install the plugin
Step 4: Activate the plugin
Step 5: After the plugin has been activated, click on the All-in-One WP Migration
- Select the Advanced option
- Ensure that the 'Do not replace email domain (sql)' is selected.
This will fix the email bouncing issue.
Note: You can also download the website file by following the steps below:
- Click on the Export to
- Click File to begin the download
- Click the downloaded file to download it to the local drive