Website Pro accounts can create a staging environment for their websites, make the necessary changes in the staging environment, and push the change to production with minimum downtime. Standard accounts can only edit their production websites directly. A staging site is separate from the production site, and you can even import All-In-One and Website Pro backups to a staging environment
Below is a staging view, for a site that hasn't created a staging environment:
The site below has a staging environment:
In the staging environment, customers can test out their site updates, and once satisfied push to live.
Please Note: If you still want the staging files to be present after pushing the site to live, please checkbox "Preserve the Staging files" or they will be deleted.
Resetting a Staging Site
There are 3 ways to reset your staging site:
1) Reset to live site - This will reset the staging site and make an exact copy of the live site currently.
2) Reset from backup - This will reset the staging site from whichever backup you select from the backup list - this is a better approach when you need to compare the actual site vs the content of an older backup.
3) Reset from template - Reset the staging site from the template selection - this means the staging site will be different from your actual site, and it will install a fresh template from the template selections for you to work with.