How to edit the Email Review Request Template?
- Go to Customer Voice > Templates
- Choose if you want to edit the My Preferred Sites template to request reviews on 3rd party sites or the My Listing template to request reviews on your 1st party site.
- Click on the vertical dot menu next to the template and click Edit Template.
- Here you can edit the default template.
The options available to edit are as follows:
- Email Subject - The subject line that will appear in the email.
- Reply Email - The email address that the email will appear to be sent from and to which the customer can reply. Emails are sent from In Customer Voice Pro, you have the option to customize the sender email to @yourdomain address and validate the record in Business App Settings > Email Configuration.
Header Image - The image that appears at the top of the email.
- Select the image by clicking directly on it and choose Insert/edit Image from the Template menu. In the pop-up window, you can add a link to an image, resize the image, upload an image from your computer, or drag and drop an image. We recommend an image with dimensions of 700 x 235 px. (Note: you can upload larger image sizes but they will render down to approximately 700 x 235 px in the finished email)
- Alternatively, click Insert Dynamic Component > Header Image Defaults to select a photo from our Photo Library.
- Email Title & Message - The text that appears below the header image. Customize the title and message with various features in the editor toolbar, such as custom fonts and sizes, color options, text alignment, insert links, and more.
- Insert Dynamic Component - This menu in the right corner of the template lists options for you to insert dynamic variables or images.
- Customer Full Name - populated from the Customer List.
- Customer First Name - populated from the Customer List.
- Business Name - populated from your business information.
- My Listing Landing Page - Inserts a button directing customers to leave a review on your My Listing page.
- Direct Feedback - inserts a button directing customers to the contact page of your My Listing where they can leave direct feedback for you.
- My Preferred Sites -Inserts a button directing customers to leave a review on your preferred sites, such as Facebook, or Google.
- Header Image Defaults - Pre-uploaded header images.
- Click Preview to see how your request will look before you send it. The customer's name will populate only when the email is actually sent. The Business Profile information appears at the bottom of the email. This information is mandatory and cannot be deleted.
- Click Cancel if you want to exit out of the template without saving any changes you have made.
- Click Save to save any changes and exit out of the template.
- Previously saved templates can also be edited. You can save up to 40 custom templates. These templates can currently be sent only via email.