Citation Builder syndicates the following to two main data providers: Foursquare, and TransUnion's Neustar/Localeze
Primary Listing Data
This data is accepted and used by both of the major data providers.
- Business Name
- Street Address
- City
- State/Province/Region
- Country
- Zip/Postal Code
- Phone Number
- Website
Additional Listing Data
This data is secondary to the primary data, but can further provide your listings with further clarity about your business. Please note that not all providers accept all information.
- Hours of Operation
- Payment Methods
- Business Description
- Services
- Brands
- Keywords
- Landmark
- Toll-Free Number
Professional record data (for the healthcare industry):
If you've selected a healthcare taxonomy for your business category within our system, the following will also be submitted where applicable:
- Firm/Clinic/Office Name
- First Name
- Last Name
- Professional Credential
- NPI (National Provider Identifier)
- Gender
- Insurances Accepted
- School