When a customer wants to upgrade their product edition, they can ask you directly, or they can submit an order in Business App. This article provides instructions on how to upgrade the product edition in either situation.
Upgrade a product directly
Your customer may tell you directly that they want to upgrade their product edition. In this situation, you can upgrade their product edition for them.
To upgrade a product:
- Go to Partner Center > Accounts > Manage Accounts.
- Search for your customer's account, then click on the account name. This will take you to the Account Details page.
- In the Products section, find the product you want to upgrade. Click on the Menu icon
to the right of the product.
- Click Change Edition.
- In the dropdown menu, select the Pro edition of the product.
- Select the "I understand..." checkbox, then click Change edition.
Fulfill an upgrade order
If your customer wants to upgrade a product, they can click Upgrade to Pro in Business App. If they click this button, an order will be created in Partner Center. You will also receive an email about the new order.
To fulfill an upgrade order:
- Click Review Order from the New Order Created email, or go to Partner Center > Commerce > Orders, then click on the Order ID.
- Review the order, then click Approve.
- Click Approve & Continue.
- Activate the product:
- Select whether you want to email your customer when the product is activated.
- Select the "I understand..." checkbox.
- Click Activate Products.
The order is now approved. The salesperson assigned to the account will receive an email when the product is active in Business App. If you chose to email the customer, they will also receive an email when the product is active.