Account Created Month by Assigned Salesperson Report
See how many accounts were created each month, grouped by the assigned salesperson.
- You are able to hone in on accounts that were created during a certain period or look at a specific salesperson using the filters up at the top.
- See the aggregate number of accounts created by month in this visualization to understand the trend.
- See the number of accounts created each month by salespersons for months in the selected period in the table. You are able to click on the numbers here and see what accounts make up those numbers.
Pipeline by Month and Owner Report
The Pipeline by Month and Owner report shows the pipeline for each month and owner. This report is useful for sales managers to track the progress of their team and identify any potential problems.
Sales managers can use this information to see which salespeople are on track to meet their goals and which salespeople need additional support. They can also use this information to identify any trends in the pipeline.
- The bar chart shows the total potential value for each month.
- The table provides a detailed view of the potential pipeline value per salesperson expected to close in a given month.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on the status, a specific pipeline, the stage name, a salesperson, and the expected close month to drill down the data.
Average Size of Closed Won Opportunities by Month Report
The Average Size of Closed Won Opportunities by Month report shows the average size of closed won opportunities for each month. This report is useful for sales teams to track their progress and identify any trends.
Sales teams can use this information to see how their average deal size is changing over time. They can also use this information to compare their average deal size to other sales teams or to industry benchmarks.
- The bar chart shows the average pipeline value for each month.
- The table provides a detailed view of the average pipeline value for each salesperson in a given month. It also averages the pipeline value for a salesperson at the far right and also shows the average pipeline value for a given month.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on the status, a specific pipeline, a salesperson, and the actual close month to drill down the data.
Long-term Pipeline Trend Report
The Long Term Pipeline Trend report shows the size of the sales pipeline over time. This report is useful for sales teams to track the growth of their pipeline and identify any trends.
The report shows the size of the pipeline on the 1st of each month and groups the information by the Historical Stage. This allows sales teams to see how the make-up of the pipeline has changed over time.
The report also shows the overall trend in the size of the pipeline. This allows sales teams to see if their efforts to grow the pipeline are working.
- The bar chart provides the number of unique opportunities at the beginning of each month and their breakdown based on the pipeline stage.
- The visualization provides the number of closed won counts in a specific month.
- The bar chart provides the number of closed lost counts in a specific month.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on a specific pipeline and the actual close month to drill down the data.
Stale Dated Opportunity Report
The Stale Dated Opportunities report identifies opportunities that have not been updated in a certain period of time. This report is useful for sales teams to identify opportunities that may have been forgotten or neglected.
Sales teams can use this information to follow up on stale opportunities and ensure that they are still being worked on.
- The table provides a detailed view of all stale dated opportunities by salespeople along with the pipeline value.
- The table provides a detailed view of all the stale dated opportunities by accounts, responsible salesperson, and pipeline value for the expected close month.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on a specific pipeline, a salesperson, and the expected close month to drill down the data.
Leaking Funnel Report
The Leaking Funnel report helps sales managers identify where deals are being lost in the sales process. The report shows the movement of opportunities from each prior opportunity stage to Closed Lost. This allows sales managers to see which stages of the sales process are losing the most deals and to take action to improve their sales performance.
- The bar chart provides the number of opportunities lost at any stage of the sales funnel during a specified time interval.
- The table provides a detailed count by the sales stage in a specific time interval. It also provides the total count at the bottom of the table.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on a specific pipeline and the actual close month to drill down the data.
Opportunity Win Rates Report
The Opportunity Win Rates report provides insight into the percentage of opportunities that are successfully converted into closed sales. This report is critical for sales teams to measure their performance and identify areas for improvement.
The report provides two key metrics:
Value win rate: This metric shows the percentage of opportunities that were won in terms of the total value of the opportunities.
Count win rate: This metric shows the percentage of opportunities that were won in terms of the number of opportunities.
The report also shows trends in the conversion rates over time, allowing sales teams to identify any areas of concern or improvement.
- The bar chart provides an average win rate for all salespeople in terms of value and count for a given month.
- The table provides a detailed closed-won percentage or win rate in terms of value and count by the salespeople in a specific month. It also provides the total value and number of closed-won for the salespeople each month. At the very right, it provides the average win rate and also it sums up the total value and total number of deals for each salesperson and at the bottom the total for each month.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on a specific pipeline, a salesperson, and the actual close month to drill down the data.
Pipeline Quality Metrics Report
The Pipeline Quality Metrics report provides three key metrics that act as a tool for managers and salespeople to assess the quality of their pipeline. These metrics include:
Close Date Month Extensions: Counts the number of times the Close Date on each opportunity has shifted from one month to another. (The report does not track changes within the same month.)
Days Since The Last Stage Change: Tracks the number of days since the opportunity stage was last updated.
Days Open: Counts the number of days the opportunity has been in the pipeline. This metric stops when the deal is Won or Lost.
The filters at the top allow you to filter on a specific pipeline, a specific stage, and the expected close month to drill down the data.
Open Opportunities by Created Month Report
The Open Opportunities by Created Month report provides insights into the pipeline created by the sales team each month. This information is important because, assuming other factors remain constant, a larger pipeline typically leads to increased future revenue. That said, the report also serves as a reality check on pipeline quality, helping managers and salespeople validate the pipeline and sales forecast.
- The visualization provides a summary of the total open opportunities value in a given month.
- The table provides detailed open opportunities by the stage in a specific month. It also drills down to the pipeline value as well as a number of opportunities for the stage. At the very right, it sums up the total pipeline value and total number of deals for each stage and at the bottom total for each month.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on the current status, a specific pipeline, a salesperson, and a created month to drill down the data.
Top 10 Pipeline Accounts
The Top 10 Pipeline Accounts report provides critical information to prioritize sales, account management, and business development activities. This report enables managers and salespeople to focus their time and effort on areas where they are likely to have the most impact. The list of top accounts also helps the leadership team identify strategic customers and their performance.
- The table provides a list of the top 10 accounts along with the total pipeline value for each account.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on the current status, a specific pipeline, and a salesperson to drill down the data.
Sales Funnel Report
The Sales Funnel report shows the progress of opportunities through the different stages of the sales process. This helps sales teams identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
- This chart provides a visual representation of different stages of a sales funnel along with the pipeline value of each stage.
- The table provides a detailed pipeline value at each stage for a given month. It also totals the pipeline value for each stage and for each month.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on the current status, a specific pipeline, and the expected close month to drill down the data.
Pipeline by Month and Opportunity Stage
The Pipeline by Month and Opportunity Stage report provides a visual representation of the value of opportunities that are due to close each month, grouped by opportunity stage. This chart offers vital information for managing the sales funnel, allowing sales managers and executives to assess the pipeline's size and begin forecasting revenue. Additionally, the report indicates whether the pipeline is sufficiently mature this month and next month to achieve revenue targets, providing managers and salespeople with an early warning when remedial action is necessary.
- The visualization provides a summary of the total pipeline value at different stages in a given month.
- The table details the pipeline value expected to close each month broken down into different stages. Also, it provides the total pipeline value for each month and the total at each stage.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on the current status, a specific pipeline, a salesperson, and the expected close month to drill down the data.
Closed Won Opportunities by Month Report
The "Closed Won Opportunities by Month" report provides an overview of the sales revenue achieved during the year. The dashboard chart and report offer valuable insights into sales performance, enabling managers to identify specific coaching needs for their teams and individuals. By combining knowledge of each team and person with the information from this chart and insights from other reports, managers can gain a comprehensive understanding of sales performance and identify areas for improvement.
- The visualization provides a summary of the total closed-won value in a given month.
- The table provides a detailed closed-won value by the salespeople in a specific month. It also provides the number of closed-won for the salespeople each month to calculate the average deal size. At the very right, it sums up the total value and total number of deals for each salesperson and at the bottom total for each month.
- The filters at the top allow you to filter on the current status, a specific pipeline, a salesperson, and the actual close month to drill down the data.
To download the data in the report click on the three-dot icon over to the top right-hand side of the dashboard, followed by 'Download' to see the download options.
If you would like to download the data from a specific chart, click the three dots next to the chart, and select 'download data.'
A dashboard is often constructed from a set of different data sources. There are data freshness labels at the bottom of each dashboard that indicate the following two things:
- The refresh interval (text in bold and on top). This reflects how often the data source with the lowest refresh frequency gets updated.
- The last refresh timestamp (text at the bottom). This reflects the earliest time when a data source was last updated in the dashboard.